Cosmetic Dentistry |2 min read

Cosmetic Dentistry: Improving the Quality of Seniors’ Lives

As people get older, there are a number of smile issues that present themselves. Teeth may begin to wear, chip, crack, discolor, stain, experience sensitivity, or need to be removed. However, the fact you’re a senior now certainly does not mean your smile is permanently doomed to a life of damage, stains, or missing teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Seniors

Seniors have every reason to smile when it comes to the modern cosmetic dentistry options our Minneapolis area cosmetic dentist, Dr. Steve Gorman provides to them! Regardless of your age, you can attain a smile that possesses a high level of beauty, health, and youthful vitality. Some of these high-tech options include:

  • Dental Implants
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Porcelain Crowns and Bridges
  • Professional Teeth Whitening
  • Tooth Bonding

The Benefits of Loving Your Smile

While the obvious benefit in pursuing these options is the immediate boost to your smile, there are also a number of other motivating reasons to keep your smile at the top-of-its-game.

  1. Improved Health—Possessing a full set of pearly whites allows you to eat a greater variety of foods, rather than being limited by sensitive, damaged, or missing teeth. The ability to breakdown food adequately also lends itself to better digestion and the assimilation of nutrients.
  2. Looking Younger—Discolored smiles with missing teeth can communicate poor health and premature aging. However, healthy-looking smiles that shine brightly do wonders in turning back the hands of time to make you appear and feel years younger. Some options such as teeth whitening and cosmetic bonding take years off the appearance of a smile in as little as one visit!
  3. Boosting Self-Confidence—Thanks to our cosmetic options, you won’t have to feel embarrassed about the state of your teeth. No more covering your mouth every time you smile or worrying about denture movement while speaking and eating. Let your smile be uninhibited while enjoying the positive attention a gorgeous smile attracts.

Your true age doesn’t need to dictate the beauty and vitality of your smile. Dazzle strangers and friends alike through those “golden years” with a smile that’s healthy, youthful, and boasts confidence. Contact us today to discover what modern cosmetic dentistry options will be most beneficial to your circumstance and smile.

Share with us: What do you enjoy most about “officially” being a senior?

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