Here’s How to Boost Your Immune System during COVID-19 [Hint: Oral Health Is Key!]

We want to let everyone know how much we’ve missed you and are looking forward to seeing you back at our office soon!

We’ve safely and cautiously reopened our doors. However, we understand that many of you may still be unable to get in to see us during this time.

Until your next visit, we encourage you to do the best you can at home to keep up with your oral health during COVID-19.

Pam, a real patient of Dr. Gorman, smiling outside

Oral health = overall health

We’re all looking to keep our immune systems extra strong these days.

Remember: total body health starts with strong oral health.

As we always discuss in the office, inflammation that starts in the mouth can lead to other inflammatory conditions throughout your body.

In this time of uncertainty, we want to continue with our efforts to help you maintain a strong immune system by controlling inflammation so you can maintain long, happy, and healthy lives.

Many of you already have specific home care techniques and devices you use in addition to brushing and flossing.

For example, you may be using:

Whatever your oral hygiene routine looks like, continue the best you can and we will accommodate everyone when we get back into the office.

Tips for boosting your oral health during COVID-19

Here are our top few tips to keep you and your family strong during this pandemic:

  • Continue to social distance
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet
  • Avoid sugary drinks
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Excercise frequently

There is never a better time than the present to strengthen your immune system.

Exercise is in particular is very important – anything you can do to keep yourself moving will boost your health. Maintaining a regular routine will help us all get through this tough time.

We’ll see you soon!

We want to assure everyone that at The Gorman Center for Fine Dentistry, we have always practiced universal precautions to protect both team and patients.

The safety and health of our patients has always been our number one priority.

We miss you all and care about each and every one of you. We look forward to getting back to where we left off.

See you all soon!

Sarah G. RDH, BS, MDH
Preventative therapist and team member

Profile photo of Sarah G. RDH, BS, MDH, preventative therapist and team member

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