Preventive Dentistry |2 min read

Tips and Tricks to Get Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth

One of the biggest struggles with children is to get them to brush their teeth on a routine basis. Here are some quick tips to ensure your little ones learn the importance of good oral hygiene to establish good habits throughout their life.

“Oh! And I have to tell you.  You are MAGIC!  Elli has been brushing her teeth on her own every day.  You are my hero!” said Irene, a Dr. Gorman Center fan.

Get your kids to brush their teeth with these simple tips.
Dr. Gorman’s Assistant, Jessica and her daughter Ava.
  1. Make it a Game: If your child will not sit still to brush their teeth, create a game to bring their attention to the game and not the act of brushing their teeth. For instance, pretend there are little animals in their mouth that they have to get out with the tooth brush. Before they know it they have brushed their teeth while having fun doing it.
  2. Skip the Toothpaste: Yes, toothpaste does help ensure optimal oral hygiene, however, some kids don’t like the taste of it and will not want to brush their teeth as a result. As long as they use their toothbrush to get those teeth clean that will aid it good oral hygiene.
  3. Start a Routine: Children need routines throughout their days to help them know what’s next. Just like getting dressed every morning, include washing their face and brushing their teeth with daily a routine in the morning and again before pajama time. Before you know it, this will become the new norm and hopefully help teach them good habits.
  4. Be the Role Model: Children are very much influenced by their parents. Take the time to brush your teeth with them so they can look up to you and know this is a part of everyone’s daily oral hygiene routine.

There are a lot of challenges every parent faces when raising kids and we all know some tasks are like pulling teeth (pardon the pun), but that doesn’t mean we can’t use some fun tips and tricks to help both you and your little ones create good hygiene habits at a young age.

Click here to schedule your next teeth cleaning. 

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