Preventive Dentistry |2 min read

Sugar Awareness Week: A North Oaks Dentist’s Perspective

Get educated during Sugar Awareness Week about how sugar affects your oral health

This week is National Sugar Awareness Week. Did you know that excess sugar has negative effects on your oral AND overall health?

Sugar Awareness and Oral Health

Let’s talk about your mouth first. Yes, we know that an excessive amount of sugar is bad for the waistline, but it also feeds the bacteria living in your oral plaque. If plaque is not removed or disrupted by flossing and brushing daily, the bacterial byproducts lead to tooth decay, gum (periodontal) disease, bad breath, stained teeth, sensitive teeth, and actual tooth loss if the problem is severe enough. It may sound simple, but good basic oral hygiene is the key to good oral health.

Dr. Gorman explains how sugar causes cavities.

How to Stop Feeding the Sugar Bug in Your Mouth:

  • Floss and brush your teeth at least twice daily
  • Rinse twice daily with an antibacterial mouthwash
  • Expose your teeth to Xylitol five times each day (gum or mints). Xylitol, a sugar substitute, tastes sweet but, unlike sugar, it does not feed the bacteria in your mouth that causes tooth decay.
  • See your North Oaks dentist at least twice a year for teeth cleaning and checkups
  • Drink half your weight in ounces of water every day
  • And of course, brush after eating sticky foods high in sugar

Help Your Body by Avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a potent sweetener that is high in fructose (a powerful sugar) and if avoided, can prevent you from struggling with obesity and other health concerns. HFCS is added to many common foods and drinks because it is a cheap course of sweetener and it has an “addictive” quality about it. Many fast foods are loaded with it. The two most sugar-loaded things to avoid are fruit juices, and soda drinks sweetened with HFCS.

“Sugar might become the new tobacco in terms of risk.”
— Dr. Francesco Branco, Head of Nutrition for WHO

Interested and want to learn more? Let’s continue the conversation. Sarah, our Dental Hygienist, enjoys consulting and advising her patients. Make the choice to restore your oral health and a great self-image today by calling The Gorman Center for Fine Dentistry at (651) 483-5134.

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