Get to Know Our Executive Administrator, Julie Samuelson
Hi, my name is Julie Samuelson, and I am the executive administrator at The Gorman Center for Fine Dentistry.
I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin and come from a family with five children. My family is extremely important to me.
My parents have been married for 62 years, which makes me extremely proud. The values and many of life’s lessons I have learned were taught at home and have served me well.
Why I love my career
I just hit my 20th anniversary working for Dr. Gorman and have had an amazing time at The Gorman Center for Fine Dentistry. I believe that every life experience I used in previous jobs brought me to this place.
There have been many amazing opportunities for me here, and I thank Dr. Gorman for being the type of boss that allows us to manage ourselves in the roles we play and to do whatever it takes to support the mission of getting our clients healthy and offering options based on the best dentistry available.
The thing I love the most about the role I’m in is the relationships I’ve established over the past years. So many of our clients are friends and others feel like they’re part of my family.
My favorite memory
Speaking of clients feeling like family, my favorite memory of working at the Gorman Center is one case that I’ve always held dear to my heart.
The case that stands out is that of a 72-year-old woman who wanted whiter teeth. Her dentist didn’t have any options to offer as she had a mouth full of older dentistry that was breaking down.
We ended up doing a full rehabilitation of her mouth, and the day we seated the case, she started crying and said, “Why didn’t anyone ever offer to do this for me when I was younger?”
This year she celebrates her 90th birthday!
From that day forward, I realized my role is to offer the best treatment options, listen, and let the client decide what is right for them.
What I like to do away from work
In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my husband, Don. I love to travel and have been to Hawaii, Mexico multiple times, Ireland, Italy, and most states in the USA. I think that who you travel with is as important as the destination you choose.
When I am not traveling, I love to read, which is my most favorite activity. I’ve read so many great books, but the next one I read could be the best book, which is why I love it so much.
Additionally, I love to cook and can whip up meals with lightning speed when necessary. However, it’s also very therapeutic, so I enjoy taking time on the weekends preparing meals for the week ahead.
My biggest role model
Lastly, when asked my biggest role model, I could easily name a few because God has planted exceptional people in my life.
My parents, first and foremost, because they gave me my foundation in faith and raised us in a home with rules, discipline, and expectations, all within the context of love. If you have siblings, you know that life is REAL when they are around, and they hold you accountable for your actions.
Two people dear to my heart are Jim H. and Joe M. These individuals saw something in me at an early age and offered opportunities and advice that shaped my education and business trajectory.
Thanks for tuning in. I look forward to 2021 and everything next year has to offer!
The Gorman Center for Fine Dentistry is located in North Oaks, MN and serves surrounding communities, including St. Paul, Minneapolis, Vadnais Heights, New Brighton, Shoreview, Little Canada, White Bear Lake, Lino Lakes, Dellwood, Roseville, Twin Cities, Edina, Minnetonka, Eagan, Woodbury, Hudson, Arden Hills, and Wisconsin.
Very nice Julie – Congratulations on 20 years – Proud to be your Aunt and Uncle!!!!!
Congratulation Julie on 20 years!! You are an amazing person with a most generous heart.
I am so blessed and grateful to know you????????????
Congratulations on 20 years Julie! Wow! I think I’ve known you that whole time. You always make me feel very welcome the instant I come come in the office door. You have definitely made me feel like part of your family! Fun to read about you!
Julie, you are amazing. A shining light and such an asset to the Gorman Center!
I enjoyed reading this, Julie, and learning more about you. Thanks for sharing!
I enjoyed reading your words and personal story! Thanks for being YOU! You are a blessing to many people, including myself.